Best Lower Eyelid Lift Los Angeles, Beverly Hills & Santa Monica | Zarrabi Plastic Surgery (2025)

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and Greater Los Angeles

A lower eyelid lift (lower blepharoplasty) is a procedure that removes excess fat to rejuvenate and brighten your under eye appearance. Although it is natural to experience changes to the lower eyelids as you age, (1) sagging tissue or excess fat can create a puffy, tired appearance. (2) With a lower eyelid lift, we can help you look more awake and more youthful.

Dr. Michael Zarrabi is a board-certified plastic surgeon with decades of experience helping patients achieve a more radiant look. He specializes in cosmetic face, body, and breast surgery and is well-known for his procedures that naturally rejuvenate the skin without “looking overly done.” He will customize your treatment plan for your unique needs.

Contact our office in Beverly Hills or Santa Monica at (310) 584-9990 to learn more about how the simple procedure can transform your appearance for a more radiant look.


  • 1 About Lower Eyelid Lifts
    • 1.1 Upper Eyelid Lift
  • 2 Lower Eyelid Lift Benefits
  • 3 Candidates
  • 4 Consultation
  • 5 Preparation
  • 6 Procedure
  • 8 Additional Procedures
    • 8.1 Facelift
    • 8.2 Brow Lift
    • 8.3 Neck Lift
  • 9 The Cost of a Lower Eyelid Lift in
  • 10 FAQ
    • 10.1 How do I know if a lower eyelid lift is right for me?
    • 10.2 How long does a lower eyelid lift take?
    • 10.3 Is a lower eyelid lift painful?
    • 10.4 When can I resume regular exercise after a lower eyelid lift?
    • 10.5 Are there any risks to a lower eyelid lift?
    • 10.6 How long will the results of a lower eyelid lift last?
    • 10.7 Will I have scarring after a lower eyelid lift?
  • 11 References

About Lower Eyelid Lifts

As you age, collagen–a protein in your skin barrier that helps it maintain its structure– production declines, and it is common to experience wrinkles, fine lines, and droopiness that affect your complexion. The facial fat can also begin to atrophy, leading to a tired, puffy appearance. In 2023, surgeons performed more than 143,000 facial procedures to help patients diminish signs of aging. (3)

With a lower eyelid lift, Dr. Zarrabi can help you:

  • Look younger: Removing fat and repositioning the fat pad beneath your eyes can help you achieve smoother skin.
  • Refresh your appearance: Dr. Zarrabi can brighten your eyes by reducing the fat that emphasizes shadows on your face.
  • Reduce wrinkles: Reducing the excess fat that causes wrinkles can also create a smoother, more youthful look.

Upper Eyelid Lift

Changes to the upper eyelids are also common as you age and the levels of collagen in your skin decline. If you have excess skin above the eye that is making you look tired or aged, Dr. Zarrabi can also perform an upper eyelid lift. With a thin incision along the crease of the upper eye, he can excise the excess tissue. He can perform both an upper and lower eyelid lift during the procedure for a quad eyelid lift. The procedure, alongside a lower eyelid lift or on its own, can help contribute to a more youthful appearance.

Lower Eyelid Lift Benefits

There are several benefits to a lower eyelid lift, including

  • Removing excess tissue
  • Alert appearance
  • Improved self-esteem
  • More youthful complexion
  • Minimal downtime
  • Lasting results
  • Smoother skin
  • Fewer wrinkles and fine lines


Suitable candidates for a lower eyelid lift would like to improve the appearance of the areas around their eyes and eliminate droopy fat that causes an overly tired appearance. If you are in good overall health and a nonsmoker, you are likely a good fit for the procedure. Patients who are willing to quit smoking for a period of time may also be considered. It is also important that you have realistic expectations about what you can achieve.


During your consultation, Dr. Zarrabi will ask about your aesthetic goals and perform a physical examination to determine the best treatment plan for your needs.

Please come prepared to discuss your medical history, current medications, and lifestyle to help him create the best treatment plan for your needs. If you have additional goals, he can also recommend other procedures.

To learn more about the additional procedures we offer, see the blog!


There are several steps you will need to take to prepare for a lower eyelid lift:

  • Stop smoking for several weeks before and after the procedure
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol 1 week before and after
  • Cease medications and supplements that thin your blood
  • Prepare your meals ahead of time
  • Run necessary errands
  • Schedule time off work for recovery
  • Ask someone you trust to drive you home afterward


You will need to arrive in comfortable clothing and remove any accessories before the procedure. Please arrive with a clean face without makeup or skincare products.

Dr. Zarrabi will make a thin incision inside the lower eyelid to reposition fat pads and/or remove excess fat. He can also remove excess skin to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. He will customize the procedure based on your unique anatomy (4) and the amount of tissue he removes will depend on your needs and goals.

If you choose to combine a lower eyelid lift with an upper eyelid lift, he will make a thin incision along the fold of the upper eyelid to excise droopy tissue for a smoother appearance. To learn more about upper eyelid lifts, see the guide!

Recovery & Results

After a lower eyelid lift you will need approximately 2 weeks of downtime. Dr. Zarrabi will let you know when you need to follow up with the office for additional appointments. Dr. Zarrabi will let you know how to care for your incisions properly and avoid sun exposure for the best results. After the procedure, you can enjoy smoother skin with less wrinkles. Many patients enjoy looking more awake and refreshed after the procedure as well.

Additional Procedures


Many patients choose to combine a facelift with an eyelid lift to rejuvenate their appearance. A facelift removes droopy skin from the face for a smoother, more youthful appearance. As you age and the collagen levels in your skin decline, it is common to notice droopy jowls, fine lines, and wrinkles that affect your complexion. Dr. Zarrabi can remove the excess tissue with a hidden incision along your hairline for long-lasting results.

Brow Lift

A brow lift removes excess droopy skin from the brows for a smoother appearance. During the procedure, we can make a thin incision along your hairline to remove the excess tissue and tighten your skin for a more youthful appearance. The procedure can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Many patients experience improved self-esteem afterward and can maintain lasting results if they take good care of their skin and avoid sun exposure.

Neck Lift

A neck lift is a procedure that improves the appearance of the neck by diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. When the collagen in your skin declines, it is common to experience droopy jowls and wrinkles that affect your complexion. Dr. Zarrabi can make a discreet incision along your hairline and behind your ears to remove the excess tissue for a smoother look.

The Cost of a Lower Eyelid Lift in

The cost of a lower eyelid lift will depend on your treatment plan and the condition of your skin. We can also provide an all-inclusive quote during your consultation for additional treatments if you need them. Do not hesitate to schedule a consultation and learn more about how the simple procedure can transform your eyes.

Contact our office in Beverly Hills or Santa Monica at (310) 584-9990 to get started!


How do I know if a lower eyelid lift is right for me?

If you have puffy under-eye bags that are creating an overly tired appearance, we can improve them with the procedure.

How long does a lower eyelid lift take?

A lower eyelid lift can take 1-2 hours depending on the condition of your skin.

Is a lower eyelid lift painful?

We use local anesthesia for your comfort during the lower eyelid lift procedure.

When can I resume regular exercise after a lower eyelid lift?

Most patients can return to light exercise after 1-2 weeks. We can let you know when to resume more strenuous activities.

Are there any risks to a lower eyelid lift?

Although a lower eyelid lift is generally well-tolerated, if you have a condition that would affect your ability to heal from the procedure, this could affect your candidacy. We can discuss the best procedure for your needs during your consultation.

How long will the results of a lower eyelid lift last?

If you take good care of your skin, you can enjoy results that last for several years–often a decade or longer. It will be important to wear SPF and avoid sun exposure to help you maintain a smooth appearance.

Will I have scarring after a lower eyelid lift?

We take care to make a discreet incision inside the lower eyelid that will not be visible for a natural appearance.


  1. Murri M, Hamill E, Hauck M, Marx D. An Update on Lower Lid Blepharoplasty. Seminars in Plastic Surgery. 2017;31(01):046-050. doi:
  2. Sundelin T, Lekander M, Kecklund G, Van Someren EJW, Olsson A, Axelsson J. Cues of Fatigue: Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Facial Appearance. Sleep. 2013;36(9):1355-1360. doi:
  3. American Society of Plastic Surgeons ® Endorsed Partner.
  4. Naik M. Hills and valleys: Understanding the under-eye. Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. 2016;9(2):61. doi:
Best Lower Eyelid Lift Los Angeles, Beverly Hills & Santa Monica | Zarrabi Plastic Surgery (2025)
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